PS1 Classics Emulator Compatibility List (2025)

PS1 Classics Emulator Compatibility List (1) Game Name

PS1 Classics Emulator Compatibility List (2)


PS1 Classics Emulator Compatibility List (3)


PS1 Classics Emulator Compatibility List (4)

NTSC‐JPS1 Classics Emulator Compatibility List (5) Compatibility NotesS.C.A.R.S.Playable??Saban's Power Rangers: Lightspeed RescuePlayable??Saban's Power Rangers: Time ForcePlayable??Saban's Power Rangers Zeo: Full Tilt Battle PinballPlayable??Sabrina the Teenage Witch: A Twitch in Time!PlayablePlayableNot AvailableSaGa FrontierNot AvailableAvailablePSone ClassicSaGa Frontier 2PlayablePlayablePSone ClassicPAL-EU is LibCrypt protectedSaikyou Ginsei Chess

• 最強銀星チェス

Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSaikyou Ginsei Mahjong

• 最強銀星麻雀

Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSaikyou Ginsei Shogi 2

• 最強 銀星将棋2

Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSaikyou Toudai Shogi

• 最強 東大将棋

Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSaiyuki: Journey West

• Saiyuuki (西遊記)

Not AvailablePSone ClassicAvailableThis game was previously reported as Playable for "ps1 emu" in a old compatibility listSalaryman Champ: Tatakau SalarymanNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSaltwater SportfishingPlayable??Sampras Extreme TennisPlayable??Samurai Shodown III

• Samurai Shodown III: Blades of Blood
• Samurai Spirits: Zankurou Musouken
• サムライスピリッツ 斬紅郎無双剣

PlayableAvailablePSone ClassicSamurai Spirits: Amakusa Kourin Special

• サムライスピリッツ 天草降臨スペシャル

Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSamurai Spirits: Kenkaku Shinan Pack

• サムライスピリッツ 剣客指南パック

Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSan Francisco Rush: Extreme RacingPlayable??Santa Claus Saves the EarthPlayable??Sanyo Pachinko ParadiseNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSanyo Pachinko Paradise 2: Umi Monogatari SpecialNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSanyo Pachinko Paradise 3: Wan Wan DaikoushinNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSanyo Pachinko Paradise 4: Sushiya da Gen-san!!Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSanyo Pachinko Paradise 5: Uki Uki TairyoubataNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicScooby-Doo and the Cyber ChasePlayable??Scooter RacingPlayable??ScrabblePlayable??Seireiki Rayblade

• 聖霊機ライブレード

Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSeirei Shoukan: Princess of Darkness

• 精霊召喚 ~プリンセス オブ ダークネス~

Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSekai Saikyou Ginsei Igo 3

• 世界最強銀星囲碁3

Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSengoku Mugen

• 戦国夢幻

Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSensible SoccerPlayable??Sentient: Explore the InfinitePlayable??Sentimental GraffitiNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSentimental Graffiti: Yakusoku

• センチメンタルグラフティ~約束~

Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSentinel ReturnsPlayable??Septentrion: Out of the BlueNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSesame Street: Elmo's Letter AdventurePlayable??Sesame Street: Elmo's Number JourneyPlayable??Sesame Street SportsPlayable??Shadow Gunner: The Robot WarsPlayable??Shadow MadnessPlayable??Shadow ManPlayable??Shadow MasterPlayable??Shadow TowerNot AvailablePSone ClassicPSone ClassicShanghai: True ValorPlayable??ShaolinPlayable??SheepPSone ClassicAvailablePSone ClassicShellshockPlayable??Shin Megami Tensei

• 真・女神転生

Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicShin Megami Tensei If...

• 真・女神転生if…

Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicShin Megami Tensei II

• 真・女神転生Ⅱ

Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicShin Megami Tensei: Devil Children: Kuro no Shoka no Sho

• 真・女神転生デビルチルドレン 黒の書・赤の書

Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicShin Super Robot Taisen

• 新スーパーロボット大戦

Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicShingata Kururin Pa!

• 新型くるりんPA!

Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicShinobi no Roku

• 忍ノ六

Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicShinsou Kaiten!! Wan Wan Umi Monogatari: Sanyo Pachinko Paradise DX

• 新装開店!! わんわん海物語 ~三洋パチンコパラダイス DX~

Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicShiritsu Justice Gakuen: Nekketsu Seishun Nikki 2

• 私立ジャスティス学園 ~熱血青春日記2~

Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicShockwave: Operation JumpGatePlayable??Shockwave AssaultPlayablePlayable?Mini map doesn't render in ps1_emu, making play especially difficult as the in game route can't be seen.Shonen Jump's One Piece: Grand BattlePlayable??Shrek Treasure HuntPlayablePlayableNot AvailableConfig fixes hang during loading screen into minigames. Game needs to be converted to EBOOT.PBP with POP-FE (or similar tool).Side Pocket 3Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSidewinder

• Bogey Dead 6
• Raging Skies

PlayableAvailablePSone ClassicSilent BomberPlayableAvailablePSone ClassicSilent HillPSone ClassicPSone ClassicPlayableConfig fixes sound bugs. Config is not enabled in the official PSone Classic.Silent IronPlayable??Silent Möbius: Case: TitanicNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSilhouette MirageNot AvailableAvailablePSone ClassicSilhouette StoriesNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSilver Jiken

• シルバー事件

Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimCity 2000PSone ClassicPSone ClassicAvailableSimple 1500 Series Vol. 100: The Uchuu HikoushiNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 101: The SentouNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 13: The Race

• Pro Racer
• Racing

AvailablePSone ClassicAvailableSimple 1500 Series Vol. 14: The Block Kuzushi

• Block Buster

AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 15: The PachinkoNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 18: The Bowling

• Bowling

Not AvailablePSone ClassicPSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 27: The Snowboard

• Snowboard Racer
• Snowboarding

PSone ClassicAvailableAvailableSimple 1500 Series Vol. 28: The Dungeon RPGNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 31: The Sound NovelNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 32: The Boxing

• All Star Boxing
• Boxing

PSone ClassicPSone ClassicPSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 31: The TakyuuNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 35: The Shooting

• Shooter: Space Shot

Not AvailablePSone ClassicPSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 36: The Ren'ai Simulation: Natsuiro CelebrationNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 37: The Illust Puzzle and Slide PuzzleNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 39: The Mahjong 2Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 40: The Shogi 2Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 41: The Reversi 2Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 43: The Hanafuda 2Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 44: The Card 2

• Card Games

Not AvailablePSone ClassicPSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 45: The Block Kuzushi 2Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 48: The Puzzle 2

• Destructo 2

PlayableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 49: The CasinoNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 53: The Helicopter

• RC Helicopter

Not AvailableAvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 55: The DartsNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 56: The SniperNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 57: The MeiroNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 59: The SuiriNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 60: The Table HockeyNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 63: The Gun Shooting 2Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 64: The Kick Boxing

• Kickboxing
• Kickboxing Knockout

AvailablePSone ClassicPSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 65: The GolfNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 69: The Putter Golf

• Putter Golf

Not AvailablePSone ClassicPSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 70: The War SimulationNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 71: The Ren'ai Simulation 2: FureaiNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 72: The Beach VolleyballNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 74: The Horror MysteryNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 76: The Dodgeball

• All-Star Slammin' D-Ball
• Super Slammin' Dodgeball

PSone ClassicPSone ClassicAvailableSimple 1500 Series Vol. 78: The Zero YonNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 82: The SensuikanNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 85: The Sengoku Bushou: Tenka Touitsu no YabouNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 86: The OnigokkoNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 87: The KyouteiNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 88: The Gal MahjongNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 90: The Sensha

• Mobile Armor

Not AvailableAvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 91: The Gambler: Honoo no Tobaku DensetsuNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 95: The Hikouki

• Aces of the Air

Not AvailablePSone ClassicPSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 97: The Squash

• Street Racquetball

Not AvailablePSone ClassicPSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 98: The FutsalNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 99: The Kendou: Ken no HanamichiNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple 1500 Series Vol. 99: The Kendou: Ken no HanamichiNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSimple Character 2000 Series Vol. 12: Kidou Butouden G Gundam: The BattleNot AvailableNot AvailablePlayableSimple Character 2000 Series Vol. 13: Kidou Senki Gundam W: The BattleNot AvailableNot AvailablePlayableSitting DucksPlayable??Skeleton WarriorsPlayable??Ski Air MixPlayable??SkullmonkeysPlayable??Sky Sports Football Quiz: Season 02Playable??Sky Sports Football QuizPlayable??Slam 'n Jam '96 featuring Magic & KareemPlayable??Slam DragonNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSlamscapePlayable??Slap Happy Rhythm BustersNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSled StormPlayable??Small SoldiersPlayable??Smash Court

• Namco Tennis Smash Court

PlayableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSmash Court 2

• Anna Kournikova's Smash Court

PlayableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSmash Court 3Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSnatcher??PlayableFMVs can occasionally stutter.SnoCross Championship RacingPlayablePSone ClassicNot AvailablePAL-EU is LibCrypt protectedSnow Racer 98Playable??Soccer '97Playable??Soccer KidPlayable??Sorcerer's MazePlayablePSone ClassicNot AvailableSougaku Toshi Osaka

• 騒楽都市 OSAKA

Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSoukaigi

• 双界儀

Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSoukou Kihei Votoms: Lightning SlashNot AvailableNot AvailablePlayableSoukou Kihei Votoms: Woodo KummenNot AvailableNot AvailablePlayableSoukuu no Tsubasa: Gotha World

• 蒼空の翼

Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSoul Blade

• Soul Edge

PlayablePlayableNot AvailableSound Novel Evolution 1: Otogirisou: Sosei-hen

• サウンドノベル・エボリューション1 弟切草 蘇生篇

Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSound Novel Evolution 2: Kamaitachi no Yoru Tokubetsu-hen

• サウンドノベル・エボリューション2 かまいたちの夜 特別編

Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSouth Park: Chef's Luv ShackPlayable??South ParkPlayablePlayable?South Park RallyPlayable??Soviet StrikePlayablePSone ClassicPSone ClassicSpace DebrisPlayable??PAL-EU is LibCrypt protectedSpace Griffon VF-9Not AvailableAvailablePSone ClassicSpace Hulk: Vengeance of the Blood AngelsPlayable??Space InvadersNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSpace Invaders XPlayableAvailableAvailableKnown in the US and Europe as Space Invaders.Space JamPlayable??Space RiderPlayable??Spawn: The EternalPlayable??Spec Ops: Airborne CommandoPlayablePSone ClassicNot AvailableSpec Ops: Covert AssaultPlayablePSone ClassicNot AvailableSpec Ops: Ranger ElitePlayablePSone ClassicNot AvailableSpec Ops: Stealth PatrolPlayablePSone ClassicNot AvailableSpectral ForceNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSpectral Force 2Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSpectral TowerNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSpectral Tower IINot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSpeed FreaksPlayable??PAL-EU is LibCrypt protectedSpeed MachinesPlayable??Speedball 2100PlayableAvailablePSone ClassicSpeedsterPlayable??Spice WorldPlayable??Spider: The Video GamePlayable??Spider-ManPlayablePlayable?Spider-Man 2: Enter: ElectroPlayable??Spin JamPSone ClassicAvailableNot AvailableSports Car GTPlayable??Sports SuperbikePlayableNot AvailableNot AvailableSports Superbike 2PSone ClassicAvailableNot AvailableSpot Goes to HollywoodPlayable??Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage!

• Spyro 2: Gateway to Glimmer
• Spyro x Sparx: Tondemo Tours

PSone ClassicPSone ClassicPSone ClassicPAL-EU is LibCrypt protected [NTSC-U]: Use netemu to fix audio cutting out in longer cutscenes. [PAL]: Classic is a NTSC-U import.Spyro the DragonPlayablePSone ClassicPSone ClassicSpyro: Year of the DragonPSone ClassicPSone ClassicNot AvailablePAL-EU is LibCrypt protected The official NTSC-U PSOne Classic uses version 1.0 (Black label). [NTSC-U]: Use netemu to fix audio cutting out in longer cutscenes. [PAL]: PSOne Classic is a NTSC-U import.Star Gladiator: Episode 1: Final CrusadePlayableAvailablePSone ClassicStar IxiomPlayable??Star Ocean: The Second StoryPlayable??Star Trek: InvasionPlayable??Star Wars: Dark ForcesPlayablePSone ClassicAvailableStar Wars: DemolitionPlayable??Star Wars: Episode I: Jedi Power BattlesPlayablePlayable?Music will randomly stop, and is then followed by a freeze at the end of a stage, or will quit back to XMB.Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom MenacePlayablePlayable?Star Wars: Masters of Teras KasiPlayablePlayable?Star Wars: Rebel Assault II: The Hidden EmpirePlayablePlayable?PS1 Classics Emulator Compatibility List (12) Works fine on ps1_netemu. Cutscenes play with heavy corruption and game black screens when reaching gameplay on ps1_emu/ps1_newemu.Starblade AlphaPlayableAvailablePSone ClassicStarFighter 3000Playable??Starwinder: The Ultimate Space RacePlayable??Steel HarbingerPlayable??Steel ReignPlayable??Stock Car RacerPlayable??Streak Hoverboard RacingPSone ClassicAvailableNot AvailableStreet Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams

• Street Fighter Zero

PSone ClassicPSone ClassicPSone ClassicStreet Fighter Alpha 2

• Street Fighter Zero 2

PSone ClassicPSone ClassicPSone ClassicStreet Fighter Alpha 3

• Street Fighter Zero 3

PlayablePSone ClassicPSone ClassicStreet Fighter: The MoviePlayable??Street Fighter CollectionPlayable??Street Fighter Collection 2Playable??Street Fighter EX Plus AlphaPlayable??Street Fighter EX2 PlusPlayable??Street RacerPlayable??Street ScootersPlayable??Street Skater

• Street Boarders
• Street Sk8er
• Simple 1500 Series Vol. 47: The Skateboard

PSone ClassicAvailableAvailableStreet Skater 2

• Street Boarders 2
• Street Sk8er 2

PlayableAvailablePSone ClassicStrider 2PlayablePSone ClassicNot AvailableStrider Hiryu 1&2Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicStrike Force HydraPlayable??Strikepoint: The Hex MissionsPlayable??Striker '96PlayableAvailableNot AvailableStrikers 1945Not AvailableAvailableAvailableStrikers 1945 IIPlayableNot AvailablePSone ClassicStuart Little 2Playable??Submarine CommanderPlayable??Suikoden

• Gensou Suikoden

PSone ClassicPSone ClassicAvailableSuikoden II

• Gensou Suikoden II

PSone ClassicPSone ClassicAvailableSuizokukan Project: Fish Hunter e no Michi

• 水族館プロジェクト~フィッシュハンターへの道~

Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSummon NightNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSummon Night 2Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSuna no Embrace: Edin no Sato no Navel

• 砂のエンブレイス ~エディンの里のネーブル~

Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSuper Black Bass X

• Big Bass World Championship

Not AvailableAvailablePSone ClassicSuper Black Bass X2

• Black Bass

Not AvailableAvailablePSone ClassicSuper Dropzone: Intergalactic Rescue MissionPlayable??Super Football ChampPlayable??Super Match SoccerPlayable??Super Pang CollectionPlayable??Super Puzzle Fighter II TurboPlayableAvailablePSone ClassicSuper Robot Taisen AlphaNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSuper Robot Taisen Alpha GaidenNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSuper Robot Taisen EXNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSuper Robot Taisen FNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSuper Robot Taisen Kanketsu-henNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSuperbike MastersPlayable??SuperLite 1500 Series: Angolmois '99Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSuperLite 1500 Series: Ano Ko Doko no Ko: Endless SeasonNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSuperLite 1500 Series: Battle Sugoroku the Hunter: A.R.0062

• Battle Hunter
• The Hunter

AvailablePSone ClassicPSone ClassicSuperLite 1500 Series: Bomb BoatNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSuperLite 1500 Series: Card IINot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSuperLite 1500 Series: Chiki Chiki Chicken

• Crossroad Crisis

Not AvailablePSone ClassicPSone ClassicSuperLite 1500 Series: Fantastic Night Dreams: Cotton OriginalNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSuperLite 1500 Series: Hanafuda IINot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSuperLite 1500 Series: Hooockey!!

• Air Hockey

AvailableAvailablePSone ClassicSuperLite 1500 Series: Märchen Adventure: Cotton 100%Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSuperLite 1500 Series: Oekaki PuzzleNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSuperLite 1500 Series: Oekaki Puzzle 2Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSuperLite 1500 Series: Oekaki Puzzle 3Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSuperLite 1500 Series: Oekaki Puzzle 4Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSuperLite 1500 Series: Oekaki Puzzle 5Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSuperLite 1500 Series: PangaeaNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSuperLite 1500 Series: Pinball: Golden Logres

• Pinball Power

AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSuperLite 1500 Series: Quiz Master BlueNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSuperLite 1500 Series: Quiz Master RedNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSuperLite 1500 Series: Quiz Master YellowNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSuperLite 1500 Series: Sanvein

• Shooter: Starfighter Sanvein
• Sanvein

AvailablePSone ClassicPSone ClassicSuperLite 1500 Series: Shanghai: DynastyNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSuperLite 1500 Series: StarSweep

• Puzzle: Star Sweep
• StarSweep

AvailablePSone ClassicAvailableSuperLite 1500 Series: The CurlingNot AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSuperLite 1500 Series: The Tetris??PlayableSuperLite 3in1 Series: Oekaki Puzzle-shuu

• おえかきパズル集

Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSuperLite 3in1 Series: Quiz-shuu

• クイズ集

Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSuperLite Gold Series: Minna no Chess

• Chess

Not AvailablePSone ClassicAvailableSupersonic RacersPlayable??Superstar Dance Club: #1 Hits!!!PSone ClassicAvailableAvailableSurf RidersPlayable??Susume! Kaizoku: Be Pirates!Not AvailableNot AvailablePSone ClassicSven-Goeran Eriksson's World ChallengePlayable??Sven-Goeran Eriksson's World ManagerPlayable??SwagmanPlayablePlayableNot AvailableNTSC version is required to be in EBOOT.PBP with CDDA tracks converted to ATRAC3 (using POP-FE or similar tool).SwingPlayable??Sydney 2000Playable??PAL-EU is LibCrypt protectedSyndicate WarsPSone ClassicAvailableNot AvailableSyphon FilterPSone ClassicPSone ClassicAvailableSyphon Filter 2PSone ClassicPSone ClassicNot AvailableSyphon Filter 3PSone ClassicPSone ClassicNot Available
PS1 Classics Emulator Compatibility List (2025)
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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Last Updated:

Views: 5897

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (56 voted)

Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.